Hafiz ul Quran
هر ايك گھر ما ايك تو هوئي جے اكها - پورا قرآن اھنے یاد هوئي

In light of Kalemat Nooraniyah, we are devoted to fulfilling Aqa Moula TUS's profound vision that every household should have at least one Hafiz ul Quran.
This vision reflects the importance of embedding Quranic memorization and values within the fabric of every family,fostering the spiritual upliftment of the community.
Our objective is to inspire children to achieve Hifzul Quran while maintaining a balanced focus on their academic excellence and growth.

Quran Room
The Quran Room is a haven of learning where children engage in the Hifz of Quran al Majeed.
Designed to inspire focus and tranquility, the room is spacious, airy, and filled with natural light, creating an environment that is both serene and uplifting. Its peaceful and quiet ambience fosters a sense of calm that is essential for the deep concentration required during Hifz and Muraajaat.
The wide spaces provide students with the freedom to study comfortably, ensuring their physical ease complements their mental and spiritual efforts. Every detail of the Quran Room is thoughtfully curated to support an atmosphere where children can dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to memorizing the Quran.
Major Programs at MSB Haidery

Mufayyamul Ta'leemul Quran
This program is integrated into the regular school timetable, allowing students to engage in Quranic studies without compromising their academic commitments. It creates a harmonious balance, ensuring they excel in both religious and secular education.
Tahfeezul Atfal
Conducted after school hours, this program focuses specifically on Quran memorization, providing an intensive and structured learning environment. It allows students to dedicate time exclusively to Hifzul Quran while being guided by experienced teachers to achieve their goals.